Friday 26 October 2012

Analysis of previous A-level openings

The Edge- Rory Campbell

Material appropriate for the tarfet audience and task
-Yes, obvious who the target audience s and it is consistent. Editing, camera, costume etc all goes with the genre conventions and target audience. We can tell that the target audience is older teens/young adults, we know this because the main character is a teen himself and films often make their main character fit with their tagret audience. The fact that it is a Action movie would stereotypically make the tagret audience also male.

Using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions
- Titles went away too fast at points but overall the fade and font fit the genre. The fact the font looks techno goes with the genre as it is an action, the titles may have gone fast to keep up the pace with the rest of the opening as it is a fast pace opening to show a chase.

Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set
- Sound got a bit tedious but picked up as it went along. Good mix between diagetic and non diagetic sound, from roller skates to doors slamming, to the music over the top of the clip which picked up in tense moments.

Shooting material appropriate to the task set
- Camera was very shaky which made it look less proffesional. Shots were good, especially the point of view shots filmed from peoples heads. All shots were put together in a way which fits the conventions. Mise-en-scene was done well, was clear who was the bad and who was the good guy. Shots filmed in a way which made it clear that it was a chase we were watching, quick cuts, close ups on feet, establishing shots.

Using editing
- Quick cuts on what to focus on, makes it jumpy. Fits the conventions of an action film.

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