Tuesday 25 September 2012

Beautiful Nightmare Pitch

Our Movie 'Beautiful Nightmare' is a romantic comedy, we plan to have our main character a British school girl with alternative London style (Hope) move to America with her family due to her mothers job. Two boys fall in love with her (Ollie and Mike, who are complete opposites) she also has a ditsy best friend (Brittany) who brings in the comedy element. She has sex with the boy she likes the least on a drunken night out, that boy being Mike. On the night of prom she then discovers she is pregnant, more comedy brought in through Brittany being very dumb about it. But next thing you know she wakes up and is back in England being woken up by her mum to finish packing, as it was all just a beautiful nightmare.

We wanted our film to be quite different from other rom-coms hence the fact we are making it all end up being a dream, the romance is brought in through the  love triangle, and Hope falling in love with Ollie but ending up pregnant with Mikes baby on a drunken night out. The comedy is through an awkward sex scene and other puns said by the characters. We want the comedy to be like that in films such as 'American Pie' by being rude and stupid.

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