Tuesday 5 February 2013

Shot analysis

This is our first shot,it is our first setting which is a bright bedroom with romantic aspects in it,the shot pans from the left side of the room to the center. We show Actress Libbie opening the curtains and looking out the window to show the start of the day, as it is typically something you do when ready to go out etc.We used a mid shot so that the setting can be established but its still close enough to see major details.This is where the voice-over starts.

This is shot 2, it is our second setting and pans from the right to the center, the setting is very different from the first room as it is darker and a lot more manly, this is to show the juxtaposition between the two characters their feelings etc. Sam is shown putting on a tie, also to show the process of getting ready. We used a close up to focus on Sams look and what his emotions are.

Shot 3 shows Libbie brushing her hair, this is a typically feminine thing to do and also shows the getting ready process as we wanted to show the two characters on a journey. This is a close up as we wanted to show impact though the over the shoulder shot but still it being close enough to see Libbies face in the mirror.
To show emotion we decided to make shot 4 a shot of Sam rubbing his head, looking out the window, generally showing distress to add more tone to the opening and show that there is a story behind the opening. It is a close up as we want this shot to be effective especially through the emotions on his face and his body language.
Cutting back to Libbie we kept her in the same position but doing something different (putting earrings on) to show that it is a constant flow, we want it to display that the boy and girl are doing these things at the same time as eachother. Again a close-up is used to show detail of the shot.
Shot six of Sam is a mid shot of him putting on braces, we linked the credit with the shot (putting on braces=costume).Here the voice over ends.
This is our first creative credit shot, we decided to use phones because 1. We wanted to make it seem like they were texting to meet up with eachother and 2. Because it shows their age group with what phones they have etc. We changed the times on the phone so as time went on in real life we made sure it still seemed like morning in our opening. It goes from a close up to an extra close up then to a blur, to add effect.

This shot leads to our second creative credit, we decided to show the phone go off to build up enthasis on the shot. It also shows what type of person our character is, with the coffee and champagne.
This is our second creative credit, it is a close up so that the viewers can clearly see the name, again we changed the time to show that it is morning, when really when we filmed it was midday.

This shot shows our character finishing getting ready and leaving her bedroom, and so we showed a midshot of her putting on her coat to display this.Going back to our usual credits as we only wanted our main actors to have creative credits so that they stand out.
Another midshot, this shows our other main character putting on his coat to exit into his porch, as a coat hook wasn't avaliable we had Libbie hold the coat up in the hallway next to this room.
Our last shot of this setting, we are showing a long shot of Libbie leaving the house to start up the meeting of the characters.
Our last shot at this setting we show a long shot of him leaving straight after we show her leaving to create the idea they are meeting.
Change of setting this is a long shot showing Libbie walking, the shot also pans.
This is also a change in setting, it is a panning shot which follows Sam walking, we blurred the shot to display a change in time as it goes to the next shot which is the two of them at the station, we didn't want to show the whole walk to the station as it would be less effective, so we blurred into it to show the time change.
Our first shot at the station shows a long shot of Libbie walking onto the platform, throughout both characters have been walking in the direction towards eachother to enthasize the idea of them meeting.
Sams first station shot is a long shot which shows him entering the same place from a different enterance

.These shots are close-ups and cut very quickly to go with the music to build up tension on the fact that the two characters we have been following are finally going to meet.

This shot is a long shot, it also establishes the fact they are on a platform. It is the pair passing as the music drops, to add enthasis Sam looks at Libbie but she doesn't notice him atall, this leaves alot of unanswered questions.

Straight after the two cross a train goes past, this is when the voice over re-enters and it comes up with our title 'and the rest is history' We added the train shot because it adds effect, makes it more shocking.

Our last shot is a long shot, panning Sam walking away which then blurs and our last credit appears.

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