Tuesday 4 December 2012

Props Research

In the opening of our film we want to use various props such as train tickets, phone text messages, newspapers, train bulletins, posters and close up's of clouds etc. Within the opening we need to be able to portray different emotions and establish the overall atmosphere at the same time. By the use of train tickets as props, we want a close up of the ticket's information so that although it is shown as a ticket, it has space for credits on the front which we can replace the information with. 

By using this it gives the audience an insight into things that are going to come up such as when kate makes her way to paris. This scene wont be shown to the audience as we will only be showing the opening two-three minutes and we dont want to give to much away but this is something that our opening sequence will advance into. Being a romantic theme, we want close up's of props such as phones so that we can clearly show text messages which we also feel will be a good idea to put credits on. We are thinking about using an iphone and sending a text to it with 'directed by' ( for example ). Newspapers, magazines, billboards posters etc are all quite stereo typical of a romance to have to the titles or credits on but we feel that using these as props purposely set up for the credits will be perfect for the mood of the scene's that we are going to try and establish through the use of the props. It is common to see people on and off of trains reading and holding newspapers, magazines and books etc so this would make the film opening seem more realistic yet creative at the same time. We were thinking about changing the title of the newspaper that someone is stood at the train station reading for example. We feel that as a member of the audience watching other peoples openings and films that already exist, the audience most commonly try and read the front of magazines or newspapers that a character in the film are reading so we feel this will be ideal. Another idea we thought about for props was things like keyrings and small items which may have no significance to the rest of the film but help establish the atmosphere and theme's and we can use creatively to show the credits. 

Natural Props such as clouds could be used as they pass by as the blue sky and the bright white clouds will help contrast the mood of the opening sequence leading up to the happy home video's so the bright sky can resembly happiness. We will also be able to use things such as clouds and the sky to put our credits on. As the film opening progresses, there will be several different scenes such as in the home videos, ( bedroom, kitchen etc) so we can use different parts of each room or different props i the rooms such as mobile phones to show the credits. 

Much like the music will we want the props to help build up the atmosphere and mood of the setting so each prop will show something different such as happiness, sadness etc. As the music picks up and then slows down at different times we can use the relevant props. For example, when the music is quite slow at the beginning we can use the phone, train tickets etc which actually have some kind of significance within the rest of the film's story line. Props such as the front of newspapers, magazines etc can all be used as the music begins to pick up a bit as the audience will be foccusing more on what is actually happening within the film rather than the titles being shown. The credits we will be using at this point will be the less important ones such as the makeup team etc. When the film opening begins to draw to an end we will have to introduce the director as our last credit so this one will have to be the most obvious one in the whole opening so we can place this credit on a plain page of its own withought any props.

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