Wednesday 21 November 2012

DVD Cover Research

P.S I love you is a romantic movie, this is shown clearly through the DVD cover, the characters are clearly in love. The DVD cover is used to get people to buy/watch the film. Red is the typical colour of love and by using red text on a white background this stands out, the title instantly catches your eye and it says 'love' in the title so you instantly know it is infact a romance movie.
'House Of Wax' is a horror movie, we are shown this through the main image and the dark colours used. By having a striking image on the front it tempts the audience, giving them an insite on what is to come but doesn't give it away. Dark colours symbolize death, gloom, fear, and so the creaters of this DVD cover have used dark colours deliberately to display the fact it will contain alot of fear in the movie.

'Shrek' is a childs film, typically a cartoon rom-com. It shows this through the bright colours and the large font, also all the characters on the front look extremely happy. Which shows it isnt a movie which will scare your child, the large font shows the child audience as it is bright and easy for them to read. Children will immediently be attracted to this DVD cover as it is bright and will catch their eyes, being 'pretty'.

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